
陶瓷项目每年为近500名成年学生提供积极的服务, creative, community atmosphere. The ceramics program offers classes on hand-building, wheel-throwing, raku, glazing, digital embellishments and much more. 学生们也有机会在全年频繁提供的工作坊中参与并向来访的艺术家学习.

Course Requirements

报名参加陶艺课程的学生应该有能力举起25磅的重物. 中级和高级学生将被要求花时间以外的预定上课时间来加载, fire, and unload kilns (under appropriate supervision). Currently, 报名参加面对面陶瓷工作室课程的学生只能在他们的课程安排的同一天进行练习. Open studio hours will not be available at this time. 注册在线课程的学生将被指定时间从射击和工作室玻璃中接送工作.

Materials List

没有在这里列出的课程在课程描述中也会有必需的材料, discuss needed materials during the first class, or the materials will be supplied.

Class details (meeting times, tuition, etc.) are listed below.

View Materials List  Class Guidelines

Ceramic Class Notes

现在,每位注册学生的学费包括一袋25磅重的粘土. Students should be able to lift 25lbs of clay. Tuition also covers shop glazes, and some underglazes as well as kiln firing; however, 学生应该预期购买额外粘土的费用, specialty underglazes, and tools unless otherwise noted. Additional 25lb bags of clay and introductory tool kits are must be purchased online; show your receipt to the instructor to receive your purchase. 粘土和材料也可以在当地的零售商店购买.

Open Studio Hours

Limited open studio time for enrolled students to practice will be determined at the beginning of each term; dates and times will be discussed in class and posted on studio doors. 学生可以在规定上课时间前一小时到达,并在上课时间后不超过一小时. 学生应尊重班长并遵守所有工作室的政策和做法. Open studio time is intended for practicing techniques and projects covered in class; production purposes or outside work is not allowed.

Registration Information

Classes are open-enrollment to the community. Class registration is a simple process. Read 'How to Register' below to get started. 点击这里查看所有注册政策和指导方针,包括付款、退课和取消、退款等信息.

  • 点击下面的“立即注册”按钮开始注册过程. 如果注册已开启,但您没有看到“立即注册”按钮,请刷新浏览器.
  • Click onto 'Sign In' at the top right side of the page.
  • To sign in, enter your user name and password. If you do not have an account, you can create one quickly by specifying a user name, password, and email address.
  • Navigate to your desired course. 点击与课程相关的“添加到购物车”按钮.
  • 在完成注册流程和汇款后, 您将收到一封包含您的注册确认的电子邮件.

Register Now  Class Catalog

Frequently Asked Questions

Ceramics Classes - Fall 2024

Course Description

本课程将着重于轮式抛心的基本技巧, opening, 然后把粘土拉成形状——接着是学习制作碗, cylinders, and cups. 学生还将学习评估形式以及形式如何服务于容器的功能. Class tuition includes one 25lb bag of clay per student; see *CERAMICS NOTE.

Course Description

基本的手工制作技巧和技术将包括捏锅, coil building, and slab construction with a focus on fun, artful, 实用的形式以及表面技术添加装饰元素,使作品真正独一无二. 本课程将学习如何使用中档粘土和釉料进行手工制作. Class tuition includes one 25lb bag of clay per student; see *CERAMICS NOTE.

Course Description

扩展和完善你的投掷技能,通过形成碗, cups, lids, pitchers, and the assemblage of two-part forms. 演讲和讨论将涵盖如何将形式与功能结合起来. 本课程将使用高火阳台粘土和燃气还原釉. 前提条件:学生应完成至少两门轮滑入门课程. Class tuition includes one 25lb bag of clay per student; see *CERAMICS NOTE.

Course Description

独立学习是为自我激励的学生设计的, technically capable of firing kilns, willing to push their creative abilities, and wish to create a body of work during the term. 本课程将重点介绍在氧化烧制中使用中程粘土和着色剂的功能和雕塑手工制作方法. 学生应该准备好一份世界杯官方app他们计划在学期中完成的目标或项目的书面提案. 讲师保留拒绝超出课堂时间和工作室限制的提案的权利. 装饰选项将包括白色和彩色滑动, underglazes and mid-range glazes; other options may be acceptable depending on the requirements of each student’s individual project proposal. 前提条件:学生必须有至少两个以前的粘土类. Class tuition includes one 25lb bag of clay per student; see *CERAMICS NOTE.

Course Description

扩展和挑战你的投掷技能,创造更大的形式,通过两种方法演示-单一投掷或多块形式. 学习如何投掷多个形式,然后可以堆叠或重新组装成一个更大的形式,以及如何使用快速干燥技术来稳定大规模投掷过程投掷大型单一形式. 喜欢扔较小的2-5磅粘土的学生可以使用堆叠方法创建一个12-24英寸的模型,而能够扔5-10磅粘土的学生将会很舒服地扔相同高度的单个模型. Clay and firings will be high-fire. 前提条件:学生必须完成两门投掷技能课程或目前精通投掷在中级水平. See *CERAMICS NOTE.

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