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I. 政策声明

世界杯官方app下载(世界杯官方app)的政策是不允许机构利益冲突(ICOI)妥协, 或者表现出妥协的样子, 教师的学术诚信和教学自由, 研究, or service; the administration's obligation to assure that institutional decisions serve 世界杯官方app's primary missions; or, 学校有义务将其经济和物质资源用于奖学金和教职员工的最大利益, 工作人员, 和学生. 虽然世界杯官方app认识到大学与产业的关系对于推进科学前沿和使学术发现的商业发展造福于公众至关重要, 世界杯官方app必须平衡其主要任务的风险,因为该机构从事的关系会导致该机构或其负责官员的财务或声誉利益.

II. 基本原理

此策略确保识别, 评价, 以及管理造成ICOI风险的情况, 或其表象. 此政策适用于一般世界杯官方app政策之外, 比如世界杯官方app行为标准的政策, 以及其他管理利益冲突的政策.

3. 范围


IV. 本政策的网站地址


V. 相关法规、政策、要求或标准

列出任何相关的世界杯官方app或UT系统政策, 或校董会规则, 以及任何相关的地方, 状态, 或联邦立法或行政法规, 并提供每个网站的链接.

Include any other related documents that led the Sponsoring Office to propose the policy, 或者提供有用的信息(合同), 的指导方针, 专业标准, 调查, 等.)

校董会规则 & 规定

其他政策 & 标准

UTS 189机构利益冲突

德州政府法典第572章-个人财务披露, 行为准则, 及利益冲突

VI. 联系人

如果你对跳 4有任何问题.32 .机构利益冲突,请联系总统办公室;

(210) 458-4101

7. 定义



Institutional Conflicts of Interest (ICOI) – may exist when 世界杯官方app’s interests or relationships or an Institutional Official, 以其官方身份代表世界杯官方app行事, 妥协, 或者表现出妥协, decisions involving 研究 and discovery; teaching and learning; community engagement and public service; and any business activities, 其中的交易和投资.


Institutional Interests – may be held by 世界杯官方app or Institutional Officials and may include, but are not limited to royalty payments; substantial equity and ownership interests; gifts; licensing activities; contracts for goods and services; governance or fiduciary roles; purchasing; 研究 activities; commercialization activities; educational and training activities; other financial interests; and other administrative decisions.

8. 责任

  1. 机构利益冲突委员会

    1. 委员会将评估潜在的ICOI, 或其表象, 并确定世界杯官方app是否有兴趣管理这种情况, 如果是这样的话, recommend to the President the terms and conditions necessary to minimize the risk of undue influence on 世界杯官方app decisions, 功能, 和行动, up to and including the prohibition or elimination of the interest or relationship that creates the ICOI.
    2. 委员会成员不得参与对其利益或关系存在损害的ICOI的初步或持续评估, 或者表现出妥协, 委员会的评价, 除非提供委员会要求的资料.
    3. 委员会将为特定类别的icoi制定准则和程序,这些icoi对机构的诚信构成的风险最小,并可由机构官员通过监督计划和文件在行政上加以处理.
    4. 委员会将为其职责可能受到ICOI影响的雇员和办事处制定和提供认识培训以及自我评估和监测程序.
    5. In the event that an ICOI relates to an Institutional Interest or relationship of the President, the Committee will report its recommendations directly to UT System Administration.


    1. 机构官员应向委员会披露可能给机构带来重大财务或声誉风险的机构利益或关系,以便在接受或建立利益或关系之前进行审查. 机构官员应根据委员会制定的指导方针,向委员会披露可能为世界杯官方app带来最小财务或声誉风险的机构利益.
    2. Institutional Officials will comply with the terms and conditions of all ICOI Management Plans.
    3. 这项政策不能取代机构官员披露个人利益和关系的责任, nor the responsibility of University officials to identify and manage individual conflicts of interest, under the standards and 程序 of University policies governing individual conflicts of interest (跳 1.33和跳 10.04)


    1. 所有世界杯官方app员工都有责任及时报告任何发现的问题, 潜在的, 或他/她已知悉的实际ICOI(例如.g., department head, center director, and vice president) or directly to the Committee Chair.
    2. 世界杯官方app将实施一个系统,允许匿名披露任何怀疑涉及ICOI的情况,供委员会审查.
    3. 世界杯官方app will maintain a Searchable database of identified ICOIs to be referenced and used when considering any new contract, 协议, 或其他可能产生ICOI的安排. 该数据库将提供给委员会成员, 教务处, 研究办公室, 经济发展与知识型企业, 商务事务办公室, 发展及校友关系办公室, 机构合规和风险服务, and any Institutional Officials responsible for institutional activities related to an ICOI.
    4. 大学的学生, 子公司, 强烈鼓励社区成员向委员会披露任何疑似涉及ICOI的情况以供审查.

IX. 程序

世界杯官方app shall create and maintain an 机构利益冲突委员会 (“the Committee”). Four Committee members will be appointed by the President and five will be ex-officio members. 一名有投票权的成员将不隶属于世界杯官方app. Three Committee members must be tenured faculty members at the Associate Professor or Professor rank, chosen from a list of at least six eligible faculty members created by the Faculty Senate. 校长将任命一名教员担任委员会主席.

当然的, voting members will be the Faculty Senate Chair; the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs; the Vice President for 研究, 经济发展, and Knowledge Enterprise; the Vice President for Development and 校友 Relations; and the 研究 Integrity Officer. The Chief Legal Officer will attend meetings as a non-voting member and serves as legal advisor to the Committee.

非当然委员的任期为三年,并可由主席连任. 任命成员的任何空缺将由总统任命填补,以完成剩余的任期.

Quorum is defined as one more than half of the voting members and must be maintained for all Committee votes. Because of the sensitivity of the topics addressed, meetings generally will be closed to visitors. 然而, 可邀请与议程主题有关的具有特殊专门知识的个人参加委员会的部分会议. 另外,由其自行决定, the Committee may appoint non-voting ex-officio members for renewable one-year terms.

The 总统办公室 will provide administrative support for Committee operations.

有关披露ico的记录, 委员会的评价, 管理计划的实施, 和其他世界杯官方app行动记录, 必须按照世界杯官方app记录保留计划保留吗.

机构合规和风险服务 will provide for a centralized repository for disclosure 状态ments, 管理计划, 相关记录, 和报告.

委员会主席, 或总统指定的其他人, will provide the Chancellor of The University of Texas System with copies of all 的指导方针, 程序, 以及大学使用的与机构利益冲突有关的表格,并且必须确保校长收到任何修订指南的副本, 程序, 并与修订的实施同步形成.



X. 初始实施的特殊说明


XI. 表单和工具/在线流程

The 世界杯官方app Disclosure of Outside Activity and Interests form is located here: [FORTHCOMING; currently at http://oric.dzflgg.net ]

十二世. 附录
