


2024年4月19日 世界杯官方app社区正在哀悼 卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷斯, 德高望重的商人, 充满激情的慈善家, 慷慨的捐助者和荣誉的跑路者. 阿尔瓦雷斯是个与众不同的人,他和他的妻子, Malú, 支持高等教育, 激发了积极的变化,提升了世界杯官方app和圣安东尼奥社区.

“卡洛斯表现出了善良,影响了他遇到的每一个人和他领导的每一个团队. 他的商业头脑无人能及, 更重要的是, he was a person of great conviction and a thoughtful friend and mentor whom we all will greatly miss,世界杯官方app主席说 Taylor Eighmy. “We wouldn’t be where we are today without Carlos’ passion for helping our students invest in their dreams, 就像他为自己和家人所做的那样. 他非常关心身边的人. Peggy and I will miss him so very much and our hearts are broken for Malú and his entire family.”

在过去的二十年里, 阿尔瓦雷斯奉献了他的时间, 对无数学生和项目的才华和慷慨. 他和Malú最终支持了几个大学项目, 包括卡洛斯和Malú阿尔瓦雷斯学生成功基金, 卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷斯科学与工程研究生奖学金基金, the Carlos and Malú Alvarez Endowed Graduate Residence Education 卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷斯 Challenge Match for Graduate Student Excellence Fund. 总的来说,这些捐款使1000多名南南大学学生受益. 为了感谢你们的持续支持, 世界杯官方app命名Carlos和Malú Alvarez Hall in 2015.

“We wouldn’t be where we are today without Carlos’ passion for helping our students invest in their dreams, 就像他为自己和家人所做的那样.”

Then came the signature gift that led to 世界杯官方app’s first named college and the first business college in the University of Texas System to be named after a Latino. 2021年,阿尔瓦雷斯和妻子 承诺拨款2000万美元 toward the 世界杯官方app College of Business, now known as the 卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷斯 College of Business (CACOB). Today, 学院继续推进加强研究的活动, 包括特聘教师职位, 研究生研究奖学金和本科生研究项目.

“卡洛斯相信教育的变革力量, 他非常关心我们在阿尔瓦雷斯商学院所做的工作. 他的慷慨已经并将继续影响成千上万的世界杯官方app学生。 乔纳森Halbesleben, CACOB dean. “His investments in 世界杯官方app’s future go far beyond giving students hope; they have created very real opportunities for students to change their lives, families, 让社区变得更好. His memory will live on through the impact our students make on San Antonio and around the globe.”  

Carlos and Malú Alvarez have always 支持高等教育 and supported several programs at 世界杯官方app.

阿尔瓦雷斯经常通过投资世界杯官方app来分享这一点, 他正在推动一所致力于当地经济长期健康发展的大学的发展. In a 2022 Sombrilla杂志的采访, Alvarez said, “一所大学的规模和质量对经济来说是非常重要的, 圣安东尼奥的文化和社会发展. It's a major growth engine for the city as it's a sound and reliable local source of a high-quality employment pool.”

Alvarez’ success story began in June 1981 in Austin when he sold the very first cases of Corona beer in the United States. Carlos and Malú Alvarez moved to San Antonio with their two daughters in 1986 and founded The Gambrinus Company, 后来成为了美国.S. Modelo啤酒品牌的进口商. 接下来的20年, Gambrinus was responsible for selling and marketing what would become one of the most successful brands in contemporary beer marketing history—Corona Extra.

1989年,阿尔瓦雷斯收购了德克萨斯州夏纳市的斯波茨尔啤酒厂. At the time, the historic Texas brewery had been in decline for several years and faced serious financial difficulties. Alvarez, however, believed in the brewery’s potential and in Texas’ love for the Shiner brand. 他不仅投资了设备,还投资了啤酒背后的销售和营销努力. 今天,Spoetzl是美国领先的精酿啤酒厂.S. 并以Shiner为旗舰品牌.

Gambrinus还拥有并经营着伯克利的Trumer啤酒厂, 特朗普药丸的酿造商, 世界上最受赞誉的比尔森啤酒之一,也是旧金山湾区的领先品牌之一.

杰出的社区领袖, Alvarez served as a 世界杯官方app Campaign Leadership Council co-chair and played a leading role in driving the current success of the university’s Be Bold campaign. 他也是德克萨斯大学系统校长委员会的成员.

卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷斯曾担任世界杯官方app运动领导委员会的联合主席. 阿尔瓦雷斯与世界杯官方app主席泰勒·埃米(从左至右)合影, 联席主席萨姆·道森, 南希·库德拉和格雷厄姆·韦斯顿共同主席.

Additionally, 他还曾担任国家公共广播电台的董事会成员, 美国世界事务委员会, Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc, 圣安东尼奥联合劝募协会和圣安东尼奥世界事务委员会, 他还是希望港湾领导咨询委员会的成员.



“我父亲参与了阿卡普尔科,”阿尔瓦雷斯告诉Sombrilla. “我看到他在阿卡普尔科是如何帮助社区的. You are naturally influenced by your parents’ example and this education continues as you mature.”

另一个影响者是 Tom Frost, whom Alvarez described as someone who was extremely generous with his time, attention and advice.

“I guess he took an interest in supporting a young Mexican entrepreneur doing business in the U.S.阿尔瓦雷斯说. 

为了表彰弗罗斯特通过慈善事业提升世界杯官方app的热情, 阿尔瓦雷斯在2021年向世界杯官方app捐赠了200万美元,以建立 Tom C. 弗罗斯特杰出大学商业卓越教授. This endowment, 是由CACOB院长主持的, 标志着世界杯官方app历史上第一次由院长兼任两个主席职位. 

被公认为德州传奇商人, 阿尔瓦雷斯于2010年入选德克萨斯州商业名人堂. In 2011, 他获得了埃利斯岛荣誉勋章, which celebrates inspiring immigrants to the United States whose philanthropy works for the betterment of their communities. He received a bachelor’s degree in biochemical engineering from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and an honorary doctorate from St. 玛丽的大学.

“卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷斯去世的消息让我心情沉重. 他是我的导师, business leader and 充满激情的慈善家 who firmly believed in the extraordinary future of San Antonio,” said 卡尔Miller-Lugo他是世界杯官方app负责发展和校友参与的副总裁. “At 世界杯官方app, his legacy will live on through the thousands of students he supported and inspired as a result of his charitable giving. He was a true inspiration to all of us and the impact of his support will be felt by many future generations of students. Our Roadrunner family is mourning this loss but will forever cherish the incredible impact 卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷斯 had on our 世界杯官方app and San Antonio communities.”

在阿尔瓦雷斯学生博览会期间,阿尔瓦雷斯与一群学生交谈, 哪个项目允许学生展示他们的研究项目.

Recent alumna Anna Almaraz 米勒-卢戈也有同感.

“Mr. 阿尔瓦雷斯对他遇到的每个人都非常善良和慷慨, 给整个世界杯官方app社区留下了深刻的印象,阿尔玛拉兹说. “作为一名西班牙裔企业主和阿尔瓦雷斯商学院的学生, 见到他真的很鼓舞人心. 我和他的每一次互动都让我感到振奋, 对未来乐观, 并且总是以仆人的心去领导. 他对世界杯官方app的变革性贡献是对年轻企业家的非凡鼓舞, 激励我们不断追求自己的目标,努力对他人产生积极的影响. 而他将被世界杯官方app的学生深深怀念, 他的记忆永存, 我们将继续追随他的脚步.”

A scholarship funded by Alvarez has likewise made college more accessible for Laredo, Texas student Juan Leal他是世界杯官方app建筑科学专业的大二学生.


“知道像奥巴马先生这样的人还活着,真是太幸运了. 为了实现我的梦想,阿尔瓦雷斯愿意给我一个成功的机会。. “This scholarship will aid me in bridging the gap between my dreams of becoming a construction manager and myself. 它不仅能让我追求我最爱的东西, 但它将帮助我回馈社会,使我成为今天的我.”

阿尔瓦雷斯留下了他的妻子Malú,他的女儿, Malú and Carla他的孙子, 卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷斯·布罗佐维奇 and 卡拉·伊莎贝拉·布罗佐维奇和他的女婿。 约翰Brozovich.

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世界杯官方app’s Mission

世界杯官方app下载 is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research and discovery, 教与学, 社区参与和公共服务. 作为一个追求卓越的机构, 世界杯官方app embraces multicultural traditions and serves as a center for intellectual and creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development and the commercialization of intellectual property - for Texas, 国家和世界.

世界杯官方app’s Vision

成为一流的公立研究型大学, providing access to educational excellence and preparing citizen leaders for the global environment.


我们鼓励对话和发现的环境, 在完整性, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, 鼓励协作和创新.


世界杯官方app是一个骄傲 西班牙裔服务机构 (HSI)由美国指定.S. 教育部 .


世界杯官方app下载, a 西班牙裔服务机构 situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples and cultures for centuries, 重视大学生活各方面的多样性和包容性. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans and other underserved communities, 我们的大学致力于促进所有人的机会. 世界杯官方app, 一所一流的公立研究型大学, 通过对话社区促进学术卓越, 发现和创新,拥抱每一个声音的独特性.